US Immigration Attorney Chris M. Ingram Discusses E2 Visas – What Issues Should Guide Your Considerations *
- E2 Treaty Visa Investment Visa Lawyer: The best advice I can give anyone about the E2 visa is to choose your business carefully. A well established business with a strong financial track record is like setting sail on well made craft. In times of stormy weather you want your business to keep you financially safe.
– Welcome
– Skilled Workers and Graduates Professionals
– Fiancée and Marriage Visas
– EB1 Green Cards for Top Professionals
– E2 Treaty Investor Visas
– Comprehensive Immigration Reform Update
The E2 Investment Visa:
The E2 visa continues to grow in popularity as more clients are taking advantage of the extremely low property prices for business and real estate in the US. The E2 visa continues to be at present the best opportunity for many families to set up their life in the US.
The US exchange rate verses the British pound continues to hold quite firm despite the dark clouds of financial austerity sweeping Europe. It’s very difficult to predict how the exchange rates may fair but I get the feeling that the dollar may gain in strength over the next few months because so much of Europe is in need of financial reform. First it was Greece, then Spain and next by all the news reports will be Italy. In contrast, this June 2010 the US unemployment numbers continue to fall indicating that the US economy is sustaining its growth. Soon consumer’s confidence will improve to the point where house prices will begin to edge up in what is currently a golden opportunity to get into the property market.
The advice I keep giving to my clients when considering an E2 visa based business is to ensure that the business under consideration is definitely a business that has been going a long time and has proven that it can weather the recession. Remember, when you buy a business you’re really buying an income, a salary, security, and an opportunity for a spouse to also get a work permit. Therefore, business selection must be handled very carefully; driven by facts more than emotion.
My role as your E2 visa immigration lawyer is to be a sounding board as you surf for businesses predominantly online. Each time you find a business that you’re interested in send me the link so I can weigh in as to its E2 visa suitability. It’s far better to do this when you’re only just pursuing the business than when you’ve begun to get your heart set on it.
Find an E2 visa business in a field you’re passionate about, so you don’t worry about the hours you’ll need to put in and the business won’t feel like a burden but more like a joy. When you have the opportunity to make a completely fresh new start and life in the US, this is your chance not to repeat the same mistakes from your old life. Many people are working in jobs they don’t much care for but it pays the bills, sometimes only just, so now that you have this chance to make over your life, think outside the box and think life style and quality of life first and let this guide your business selection choices.
When I lived in the UK I worked in a law firm, I never had the opportunity to branch out on my own, but when I came to the UK this is precisely what I was able to do. My wife and I decided that we’d create our own website attracting predominantly Brits giving them the benefit of our real life experiences relocating to the US. Now we have an established practice we’re able to share not only our own experiences but those of the many clients we’ve helped settle in the US, especially those who arrived under the E2 visa.
The E2 visa process typically takes six to eight months from start to finish so if you’re looking to relocate before March 2011 you need to be getting the ball rolling now so there is plenty of time to get your house in order in your home country and your affairs set up in the US. If you want to get started contact my office today and we’ll get you on the right path asap.
US Immigration Attorney Chris M Ingram
E2 Treaty Visa – Investment Visa Specialist
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
520 Broadway, Suite 350,
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.
General Location: Santa Monica, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Serving all 50 States
Copyright 2010
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