E2 Visa Business Finder Service
When it comes to finding the right business fast, we’ve got you covered.
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Over the last fifteen years of working with E2 visa clients, we have seen that one of the biggest hurdles is finding a suitable business. Most E2 visa applicants live in their home country and whilst it may be quite easy to find businesses online problems emerge when trying to establish reliable contact with the broker handling the sale of that business. Here is what our clients tell us: –
When they do find what they think might be an interesting business they often have to leave a message and an international call back number. Most Business Brokers are not prepared to take the trouble to figure what country they might be calling from, and then figure out the time zone differences, and then work out of office hours to call them back to discuss the opportunity. We regularly hear this from clients and can understand their frustration.
We’ll do the research and give you the best analysis of the businesses we find for you.
Our Business Finder Service is designed to help bridge this difficulty as we’re based in the US and thus can be easily reached by the Business Broker during normal office hours.
Using our Business Finder Service, you outline what type of business you might be looking for and your budget and we’ll do our very best to find you the most suitable businesses that meet your criteria. If you like any of the businesses we submit to you, we’ll then chase down the Business Broker on your behalf and ask for a ‘Non-Disclosure Agreement’, which you will need to sign and return before the Business Broker will release the financials of that business.
Once we have firmly established you in regular contact with your Business Broker we’ll let the negotiations begin.
We get a lot of satisfaction in helping our clients secure the right business.
Our service contract runs for just 30-days because we’re serious about finding a business for you fast. The key is not to pursue too many business opportunities at once because of the need to secure Non-Disclosure Agreements and from that point, there will be a lot of back and forth as you find out in-depth information about that particular business. Pursuing too many businesses at once will lead to confusion. It is therefore very important that you select your business carefully and we’ll work with the brokers involved.
Our clients find that this is an absolutely invaluable service in the E2 Visa process and we hope you’ll enjoy working with us too. So let’s get started today.
E2 Visa Business Finder Contract Starts at $1,950.00
(+5% Admin Fee )
Service Provided in Association with Pete Modeste MBA
888 805 1654
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